Dear global citizens,

Greece as a country is a wonderful place to be and to spend time, no doubt about it.
Living there as a Greek citizen it’s a different matter though.
Lawlessness and deception have became paramount and the norm, thanks to the ongoing wrong doings that is happening for many years now.

Apart from ISONOMIA’s class actions lawsuits, a few law cases and a handful of sporadic lonely voices in Greece, no much else is going on to rectify the situation and end the siege.
Therefore, it is absolutely a must for all people, on a global scale, to learn and understand the Greek tragedy and grim reality.

The scope for this communication, is to inform and prompt everyone for action, thus the global citizens to pass the information, ask the right questions and seek truthful answers from the heads of the Greek state, the state officials and hold them to account through honest journalism.

Greece as a country, has fallen into a state of totalitarianism and complete lawlessness, during  “peacetime”.
The reasoning for the totalitarian state and complete lawlessness is explained HERE.

Greece at the moment exhibits the below unique characteristics of lawlessness:

  1. Judicial final decisions, directly enforceable, are not executed due to a corrupt judiciary
  2. Election manipulation is taking place thanks to:
  • No official procedure exists to verify election results
  • All political parties (whether elected to the Greek parliament or not) collaborate to deceive the country and voters
  • Corruption of state institutions
  • Crimes being unpunished, justice not prevailing (truly blind)
  1. Money laundering has reached enormous proportions. Foreign and domestic NGOs operate without restrictions or any state control and non-existent justice are the main factors
  2. The conditions of lawlessness are unique in size and duration on a global scale due to a well funded media that fabricates the truth and brainwashes citizens, non-existent justice, bogus government, collaborators on multiple levels and widespread deception

Summarized below at a high level are the current conditions in Greece:

In practice, those in power with the help of their accomplices do what they want and a non-existent justice seals the grave with its constitutionally tolerated and “flexible” decisions.
The army, the police, doctors, teachers, scholars, etc, are inactive and often become accomplices in the ongoing crime.

Everyone (Greeks and foreigners) should understand the magnitude of the national problem, be concerned and act immediately as the crime  is ongoing.
Those directly responsible for the crimes should not have a place to hide and the social networks of Greece and abroad, with your help, should highlight the grim reality.

We kindly request all readers to share this information so that the greatest possible pressure can be exerted on the “executioners” of Greece and the Greek people.
They (“executioners”) must be put in prison and the Greek people must be compensated for their incalculable damages.
This action, combined with domestic class actions and lawsuits, will bring justice, the legal order and peace in Greece.

Finally the expatriate Hellenism should act decisively and do what they can to help the situation, forgetting doctrines, political beliefs, ideologies, etc.

Special mention to the European citizens:
The illegal invaders in Greece according to the experts amount to over 5 million, which are increasing daily by thousands, of which 9 out of 10 are young men coming from 77 different countries of the world (Coastal Police statistics 2015).

As you understand, it is only a matter of time before the illegal invaders become a European problem, with all that will entail.

In case someone doubts for any of the above, please feel free to investigate and research to your own merit.
